"What color? I don’t know where to begin."

With so many choices and so much advice coming from all directions, it is no wonder people become overwhelmed when it comes to picking colors for their home interiors. Do I follow the trends? Do I go with what I like and hope my family, friends & guests will feel comfortable and be as pleased as I am?

Often, as we have seen on many an HGTV show, people either opt out all together and just leave the walls the way they are or they “play it safe” and go with white or one neutral for the whole house.

Kimberlee Jaynes, a Portland based designer has written an informative article on current trends and how to choose colors that are right for you. She makes an excellent point in the last paragraphs of this article –

“Don't know where to start? Which color story to use? I think you can use colors that are in keeping with the geography in which you live, the architecture of your home and most of all PERSONAL CHOICE…I believe the real trend is personalization. People are tired of others telling them what is good for their home. When choosing colors think about what color looks good on you. What do you like to wear? What do you want to feel when you walk through the door? Color defiantly evokes a feeling.”

Click here for an explanation of the emotions colors evoke and the impact paint colors can have.

We are beyond making choices based on what others think and the “keeping up with the Jones’es” mindset. Pick colors you like and then decide which room that color would work best in based on the impact it will have.